Tuesday 27 March 2012


Background Information.

Location in Western Art History

v    As illustrated above, Western art can be divided into eight major ages. Baroque art is the sixth age of Westernart.

v    The entire history of Western architecture is covered by the Timeline of Western Architecture. The leading regions of Western art through history are summarized at Core Regions of Western Art.

Summary of Outstanding Baroque Architecture
• Early Baroque ca. 1600-25 (Maderno (facade of St Peter's))
• High Baroque ca. 1625-60(Bernini (St Peter's baldachin and colonnades, Sant'Andrea al Quirinale))
• Late Baroque ca. 1660-1725 (chateaus (especially Versailles)
• Rococo ca. 1725-75 (churches (Austria/southern Germany))

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